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If you would like your business's name in lights in more ways than one, why not be a part of the whole celebration and sponsor the awards? 


Quiénes somos

We are delighted to present our sponsorship packages to advertise your business as a supporter of the Algarve Business Awards 2025.

Our sponsorship packages are designed to make sure your brand gets the maximum exposure possible before, during and after the awards event.


Become a main awards sponsor or sponsor part of the event, be it the semi finals or drinks reception or other atributes of the awards, your company will benefit from over 6 months of advertisement through our website, through social media, various press releases, on the radio and at the event its self. 


Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to be a part of this prestigious event that recognises the very best in business in the Algarve . 

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Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to be

a part of this prestigious event that recognises

the very best in business in the Algarve . 

(+351) 927 828 697


3RD JUNE 2024!

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Algarve, Portugal, 2023.

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